AM Bid founder launches new venture –

1 minute, 36 seconds Read

A new consultancy which helps company owners get their businesses ready for sale has launched in Edinburgh.

Business Sale Basecamp is the new venture from Andrew Morrison, who sold his bidding and tender company AM Bid to Leeds-based Bidding Limited last summer. This exit came after nine years of consistent growth, which saw AM Bid’s turnover exceed £1m.

The plan is now to support owners through the challenge of getting businesses sale ready with an independent external perspective and access to his 20,000-plus business contacts.

“I launched AM Bid, scaled it, got it ready for sale and had a successful exit and I would like to help others do similar,“ Morrison said. “Without advertising the business for sale, I had four approaches from companies wanting to buy the business, and three offers.

“Navigating my way through that gave me added experience that I can bring to the table to help business owners determine the right value of their company.

“It can be a very lonely place for an owner as they often don’t necessarily want to tell their staff, their customers or their competition that they are thinking about selling; so I am here to provide support when required.“

Morrison continued: “Most owners think about selling at some point but don’t know how to get ready to do that, either practically or emotionally.

“For example, I was asked for around 600 documents during the due diligence process immediately prior to the sale – many business owners will be unprepared for this level of scrutiny.“

He added: “It is uncharted territory for many business owners due to not having walked this road before, that’s where the basecamp concept came from – getting assistance to finish the journey from someone who has been there before and successfully completed it.”

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